03 October 2024


Hospitality Ulster and the Night Time Industries Association have combined forces to create the Northern Ireland Night-Time Commission, a vital initiative aimed at championing and supporting the vibrant nightlife across the region. 

With Northern Ireland’s nightlife deeply rooted in its rich cultural heritage, this new Commission seeks to advocate for businesses, promote the importance of the night-time economy, and influence critical policy changes via detailed analysis to ensure its continued growth and success.

The night-time economy is a cornerstone of Northern Ireland’s identity, attracting millions of visitors each year and significantly contributing to the local and national economy. The hospitality and tourism sector generates over £2 billion annually, with hospitality as a whole accounting for two-thirds of all tourism spend. This vital industry also employs over 70,000 people across the country, providing jobs and opportunities to communities both urban and rural.

The establishment of the Northern Ireland Night-Time Commission will bring together key stakeholders from hospitality, entertainment, tourism, policymaking, and business organisations such as Derry Chamber of Commerce, creating a dedicated working group focused on driving positive change and ensuring that the sector remains a vibrant and integral part of Northern Ireland’s economy. This Commission will conduct detailed analysis of the current night-time economy and work closely with government officials and policymakers to advocate for business-friendly policies, addressing the challenges currently facing the sector, from harm reduction to partnership working, infrastructure, and public safety.

As a region with such an important and celebrated nightlife – from world-renowned music venues and theatres to pubs and restaurants steeped in local history – it is essential that we create a platform to champion this rich cultural tapestry. The Commission will also celebrate the diversity and creativity of Northern Ireland’s nightlife, recognising the essential role it plays in attracting both local patrons and international tourists.

Colin Neill, Chief Executive, Hospitality Ulster, said:
"Northern Ireland’s nightlife is more than a social activity – it’s a crucial economic driver and a reflection of our vibrant culture. We have a responsibility to support the thousands of businesses and workers who contribute to this sector and ensure that Northern Ireland’s night-time economy thrives in the face of future challenges.

"The work that the Northern Ireland Night-Time Commission will perform will ensure that arguments for recognition of that importance and legislative support are well-evidenced. We look forward to bringing our proposals to policymakers and engaging in healthy discussion about how we co-design a set of solutions to support a resilient and sustainable night-time economy.”

Michael Kill, CEO, Night Time Industries Association, said:

The Northern Ireland Night Time Economy Commission is committed to shaping a future where the night-time economy is fully recognised for its value, its contribution to Northern Ireland’s identity, and its potential to create lasting positive impact. Together, we can build a future where Northern Ireland’s nightlife continues to shine on the global stage."

Anna Doherty, Chief Executive, Derry Chamber of Commerce, said:

"With such a diverse and rich nightlife offering, it's vital that we address the barriers that limit the growth and success of this industry in the North West and in Northern Ireland as a whole. The new Northern Ireland Night-Time Commission will be a powerful voice advocating for change, fostering collaboration between government, businesses, and the public.”

Michael Stewart, Belfast City Centre Night Czar, said:

“I welcome the formation of the Northern Ireland Night-Time Commission. The foundation of this group is an important step in ensuring that the voices of industry stakeholders are heard throughout the formation of any policies affecting the night-time economy, from taxation to transport services and public safety measures.

“The facilitation of collaboration and dialogue among key stakeholders such as local government, law enforcement, transport authorities, cultural institutions, and business owners is key towards the co-design of a night-time economy that works to the benefit of everyone involved, from operators to customers.”

Sacha Lord, Night Time Economy Adviser for Greater Manchester and Chair of the Night Time Industries Association, said:

"I am delighted to hear about the Northern Ireland Night-Time Commission.

"We are all too aware of the intrinsic importance of nightlife on local economic growth and it is vital that those working in, and enjoying nightlife, are supported by those who understand local challenges and opportunities. The creation of local Night Time Commissions and advisory roles have proven that whilst nationwide policymaking is a strong basis to build on, real positive change in local areas can only be fulfilled by working with those on the ground who have a critical understanding of the minutiae of local regions, cities, and towns.

"I have no doubt this Commission will provide guidance, support and a much-needed confidence boost for the businesses working across Northern Ireland in hospitality and nightlife, and I look forward to watching the cultural developments it generates over the coming year."