Pilot For Higher Apprenticeship in Hospitality
17 April 2015
![Pilot For Higher Apprenticeship in Hospitality](/download/images/news_apprenticeimage.jpg)
You may be aware that in June last year DEL published a new strategy for apprenticeships.
The reformed system which comes into play next Autumn is focused on increasing the quality of apprenticeships, their parity of esteem with the traditional academic pathway as well as matching the needs of you as an employer, and the wider economy.
Employers will have a lead role through sectoral partnerships in ensuring the provision and content meets their skills needs. The reform also includes a commitment to introduce higher level apprenticeships at levels 4 – 6 (sub-degree and degree levels) to support higher level skills needs.
Given the management challenge faced within the hospitality sector People 1st in conjunction with Pubs of Ulster want to test employer demand for a higher level apprenticeship for hospitality management.
Could you benefit from a sector specific management programme designed to help you attract and retain people into hospitality management positions?
If so, expressions of interest are being invited from employers willing to participate in a unique pilot opportunity to test a new approach to developing future management talent through a Hospitality Management Higher Apprenticeship Programme. The proposed pilot would commence in September 2015.
What is a higher level apprenticeship?
Higher apprenticeships offer a job with an accompanying development programme designed by employers in the sector which leads to a professional industry recognised qualification at a higher level (sub-degree and degree levels). It combines a mix of learning in the workplace with formal off the job training and the opportunity to practice and embed new skills in a real work context.
To be eligible for participation in the pilot employers must have a suitable hospitality management position they wish to recruit for. Participants to the programme may be either a new employee or an existing employee being promoted into a new job role that requires a substantial amount of learning and skills development. The employer pays the salary costs for the employee and the off the job training component, where individuals complete a professional industry recognised qualification, will be funded under the pilot.
What are the benefits?
• valuable way to overcome skills shortage for hospitality managers and grow future talent pipeline
• access to a high quality training programme to help your business grow and remain profitable
• train new staff to your standards
• deliver high calibre recruits with right skills for your business
• promote professional image of hospitality industry offering high quality career routes into management
• raise profile of your business as a leader in staff development within the sector
How to get involved
To assess demand for progressing a pilot programme for hospitality we need your response by Friday 24th April. Expressions of interest are invited from you by email to roisin.mckee@people1st.co.uk stating how many positions you have available. We will then arrange an information session for interested employers in May to find out more.